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When I Grow Up.... Project!

  • You will be making a book describing what you would like to be when you grow up!

  • Each page represents a different part of the job you choose.

  • Follow the directions below to complete your book.

Page 1: Cover Page: Add an illustration in the box provided of the job you have chosen. This illustration should be creative and include color. Do not forget to add your name at the bottom of the page.


Page 2: Write out what job you have chosen in the first line. For the second set of lines after “because” you are to write why you have chosen this job. This should be a complete thought of at least 1 sentence. Remember there are at least 5 words in a sentence.


Page 3: Place the job you have chosen in the middle square of the diagram. Then in the seven squares around your job add an adjective that describes the job, one adjective per job.


Page 4: Answer the three questions. Be sure to check your sentences for spelling and grammar. Remember there are at least 5 words in a sentence. These answers should be well thought out and descriptive.


Page 5: This page covers job math. Answer each math problem. Remember to read carefully and choose the way that you solve the problems wisely.


This book is Due May 5, 2015. 

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